A celebration of life.

Each year, RiverSpring Living at the Hebrew Home features a short film spotlighting an honoree at their annual fundraising gala. Whether highlighting the life of a resident or the influence of a generous donor, each documentary-style short emphasizes the importance of community, impact, and generosity of spirit. The finished film is a central moment in the gala, celebrating the honoree’s unique impact on the facility.

My Role

I’ve directed and led the production of two films. This included overseeing the entire production process, helping craft the narrative, assembling crew, conducting interviews, and leading post production.


2023’s film spotlighted the extraordinary lives of Charlotte and Stanley Bernstein through interviews with four of their five children. Because the family was so thrilled with the final piece, RSL extended my contract to allow me to create a longer-form director’s cut exclusively for the family.

Excerpt from “The Legacy of Charlotte and Stanley Bernstein” (2023)




Christiana and Christiana | The Series